Lost shooting the Oregon Coast

October 04, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Just returned from a week on the Oregon Coast with my good friend and fellow photog Jonathan. This is a first I think, getting the blog done before any images have been processed. In fact I haven't finished downloading yet, lol. We had probably the best weather I've ever experience on the coast in all my trips there. Aside from a couple windy nights and mornings and one socked morn that burned off into a landscape perfect blue sky day it was marvelous.

Hooked up with another long time, good friend Sheryl, a resident in seclusion of the Oregon Coast. But while we were waiting for her to arrive, Jonathan picked up a job right on the beach. A couple from Michigan wanted some family shots for their Christmas card and guess who got the job! Ya LJ. After Ms Hemmingway arrived we did a beach walk to the Casino for lunch then met at her house later for great conversation over some adult beverages. Next day after shooting our way down to Newport, we got fresh crabs and took them back to Sheryl's place for a dinner fit for a Captain. Fresh salad, homemade soup, whole wheat pasta and adult beverages, just doesn't get any better!

We shot the coast from Newport to Cannon Beach and many stops in between. Like I said still need to download more images but the last count was 1005 shots plus a bunch of video. You know when photogs play things happen. We did timelapses of setting up and tearing down camp, shot video of the surf and vehicles on the interstate coming home. I know Bluberry is crusty and crudy and needs a  bath and a facial, I mean a vacuum job. WOW and does it suck to be back at work the next day. Note to self: return on a weekend for decompression purposes.

All in all it was a fabulous trip with great friends and great cameras. Stay tuned there will be footage at 11 and a journal chronicling our adventures over the week. Yes names will be named, no protecting the innocent in this diary, LOL.  ttfn


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