The Heat is ON

July 12, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

The heat wave being experienced by the majority of the country finally arrived in the great Northwest. I was prepared a month ago after returning from Moab where the average high temp was 95. But several weeks of really crappy weather came and went leaving me a wimp to the heat. I've been working around the Palouse and its just as warm down there. The upside to all this is I get to pass thru some of the most spectacular scenery in America's bread basket. And yes I have me camera with me. In fact since I don't get enough of it working, on the morning of the 4th I headed out before sunrise and pointed Bluberry towards Steptoe Butte for a short photo session.

In my quest for that perfect shot I took a couple of back roads and missed sun up from the top. But the scouting for future shoots was worth it and I was on top before the shadows turned to haze. This is the day I shot my first Krop Duster. On the way out of the morning shoot I encountered Dusty Kropper working the fields near the burg of Steptoe. I watched as he soared high into the cool blue morning canvas, did a huge wing over and dropped to the earth dodging power lines, fences and barns. Lined up his approach over an emerald green field of wheat and applied whatever they spray from those yellow AG cats, following the contours of the lush green carpet. Then into a huge climb another wing over into another pass. The sound of the big rotary engine singing thru the crops. It looked more like fun than work to me and it was sure fun to capture. You can catch some of the images here on my Flickr site or in the gallery.

Anyway have seniors to shoot this weekend and next weekend will be my 45th high school reunion at Prep. Should be fun to see some former classmates. Notice I didn't say "old" classmates, lol!! My daughter and son in law brought LP down on the 4th and we strolled him down to the park for some fun on the jungle gym and a few photo's. Just love it when he lights up with his smile and then turns to the ever so serious look. Got some great shots. Well time to go change the hose so for now I say tata and be safe. ~ paddy


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