Created 8-Apr-15
Modified 16-Jun-19
Visitors 4
0 photos
A spring invite to visit the nation's capital and capture the blossoming of the cherry's turned into the trip of dreams. Great company, photo ops left and right, awesome food and drink and did I say great company, lol. But no blossoms for moi.

Sheryalynn and I discussed dates and times with great accuracy based on historic data and a really crappy weather person. So I had to return before peak season. But return I did with a thousand images. We metro'd from Alexandria to the zoo and drove down to Virginia, lol. Like its a far drive.

Tried night time shoots and got me ass kicked by a Nikon, shot sunsets at the waterfront in Georgetown and buildings in Arlington. Walked twenty thousand steps around the monuments and took in the theater. Watched the Predators rock the Red at the Verizon Center and drank at Teddy Roosevelt's favorite bar. The gallery is a work in progress so check back as more images are processed.
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